Sunday, 22 January 2017

Political, ideological and economic factors have contributed to the flow of fighters from Iran to Syria

About three million Afghan refugees currently reside in Iran, and discrimination against them is well documented.
  According to reports by human rights researchers and journalists, recruitment of Afghan fighters can take place anywhere from mosques in Iran to Shia neighbourhoods across Afghanistan.
"In many Afghani towns there are Shia mosques," an Afghan returning soldier said in an exclusive interview with the UK-based Kayhan newspaper. "The imams and prayer leaders give sermons about these issues and if anyone wants to volunteer, they arrange contacts with the IRGC. We travel by land from Afghanistan to Tehran."
For some, the fear of deportation looms if they choose not to serve in the army. Last May, a bill was passed by the Iranian parliament, which permitted family members of slain foreign soldiers in Syria who reside in Iran to be granted immediate citizenship.
They did not give us a choice; they forced us to train and fight. They said: 'You will fight in Syria and become a martyr, and that is a good thing.'
Masheed Ahmadzai, former detainee
In other cases, Afghans have reportedly been coerced to take up arms in Syria. A report by Human Rights Watch released last January provided detailed reports of Afghan fighters who were recruited by the IRGC.
Masheed Ahmadzai, a 17-year-old Tehran resident who arrived last year on a rubber boat at the Greek island of Lesbos, told researchers that he had been living undocumented for four years and was working in construction when police detained him and his cousin.
He said that police took them to a military base, where numerous other Afghanis and Pakistanis were being detained, and military officers selected the men most physically fit.
"The military officers separated us into those fit to fight, and those not fit to fight," he said. "They took me with a group of 20 men, but did not select my cousin and deported him to Afghanistan …They did not give us a choice; they forced us to train and fight. They said: 'You will fight in Syria and become a martyr, and that is a good thing.'"
While many of Iran's fighters in Syria register in the Basij, a paramilitary volunteer militia operating under IRGC, thousands of others serve as paid soldiers under the IRGC's Fatemiyoun unit, mainly made up of Shia from the diaspora in Iran.
Estimates of fighters' salaries have ranged from around $500 to $750 a month, according to media reports. But in a recent interview with reporters from Iran, Brigadier-General Mohammad Ali Falaki, a retired IRGC commander who was deployed to Syria, said that foreign fighters actually earn just $100 a month - a figure some speculated was being played down because of the struggling Iranian economy.
Falaki also acknowledged the insufficient support in Iran for Afghan refugees, which he viewed as an untapped pool of recruits.
Besides being a significant regional force in the Middle East, the IRGC wields huge political, economic and ideological power throughout Iran. Whether its fighters are incentivised by money, citizenship, or greater social acceptance, one thing is clear: It does not need to look far for support.
But in the eyes of some analysts, the geopolitical costs for Iran's military involvement in Syria have been high.
"Iran's actions in Syria totally undermine their claim to representing the global Muslim community," said Mohammad Fadel, an associate professor of law at the University of Toronto. "It reinforces the idea that Iran is a clearly sectarian state."
For a long time, Fadel points out, there were two different narratives about Iran - that it was a sectarian state. Then there was another that viewed Iran as a kind of revolutionary, anti-imperial state - one that supported Muslims and self-determination and was more or less an ally of the people. "Iran's intervention [in Syria] completely destroyed that second narrative."
The overt religious rhetoric about protecting the shrines of the Prophet's family reinforced their sectarian stance, Fadel added. "It  implied that those who were against Assad were against the Prophet's family. It's obvious there is a strand in the Sunni community who object to shrines, but to then paint the entire Syrian revolution with that brush - and then imply that protecting these shrines merits a type of violence - is something else."

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

L’Australie s’apprête à abattre deux millions de chats

Ces chats sont accusés d’être responsables de la disparition d’une trentaine d’espèces endémiques, principalement des mammifères. Parmi eux, le bandicoot-lapin à queue blanche ou la souris sauteuse d’Australie à grandes oreilles. C’est dans ce pays que le taux d’extinction des mammifères est le plus élevé depuis 200 ans. Or les chats menacent encore des dizaines d’autres mammifères, oiseaux, reptiles.  
« L’Australie est le seul continent autre que l’Antarctique où les animaux ont évolué en l’absence de chats, ce qui explique pourquoi notre faune est tellement vulnérable face à eux », commente Gregory Andrews, le commissaire chargé des espèces menacées au sein du gouvernement, qui a participé à l’étude. Le chat a été introduit en Australie par les premiers colons, à la fin du 18e siècle, afin de s’attaquer aux souris, principalement dans les fermes.
« C’était à l’origine des animaux domestiques, mais ils ont été laissés dans la nature et vivent depuis comme des animaux sauvages », explique Sarah Legge, de l’Université du Queensland, co-auteure de l’étude. Ils se sont peu à peu répandus dans l’ensemble du territoire. « Ils s’adaptent très facilement à leur environnement, sont de formidables chasseurs. Ce sont des animaux incroyables, mais ils n’ont rien à faire ici », poursuit Sarah Legge.
En juillet 2015, le gouvernement australien a déclaré « la guerre » aux chats sauvages, affichant l’objectif de 2 millions de chats tués d’ici à 2020. Si l’annonce a été plutôt bien accueillie en Australie, elle a fait bondir Brigitte Bardot, qui a dénoncé « un génocide animalier inhumain et ridicule ».
On estimait alors que 20 millions de chats sauvages se trouvaient sur le continent. Mais ce chiffre était bien au-dessus de la réalité selon l’étude qui vient de paraître et qui est la première à comptabiliser les chats et à donner une estimation de leur densité. Quarante scientifiques se sont penchés sur la question, et ont réuni des données provenant de cent différentes études menées à travers l’Australie.

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Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Nigerian air force kills 50 in air strike on refugee camp: MSF

Nigeria's air force killed 50 people and injured 120 in an air strike on a refugee camp in the northeast on Tuesday, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said. The military said the strike had targeted Boko Haram.
MSF said the strike occurred in Rann in Borno state, the epicenter of the jihadist group's seven-year-old bid to create an Islamic caliphate. Regional military commander General Lucky Irabor located it at Kala Balge, a district including Rann.
Irabor, who said it was too early to determine the cause of the mistake, told journalists an unknown number of civilians had been killed, adding that humanitarian workers from MSF and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) were injured.
"MSF teams have seen 120 wounded and 50 dead following the bombing," said Charlotte Morris, a spokeswoman for the medical charity. "Our medical and surgical teams in Cameroon and Chad are ready to treat wounded patients. We are in close contact with our teams, who are in shock following the event."

Italy sentences two former South American leaders to life in prison for Operation Condor murders

A Rome court on Tuesday handed down eight life sentences for the murder of 23 Italian citizens in a conspiracy, known as Operation Condor, in which South American dictatorships hunted down and killed thousands of dissidents in the 1970s and 1980s.
It is the first time an Italian court has ruled a conspiracy existed between the governments of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia to help find and assassinate each others' political opponents.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

European Court of Human Rights upholds fines on Swiss Muslim parents who refused mixed swimming lessons for daughters.

The European Court of Human Rights upheld a decision of a Swiss court backing fines on Muslim parents who refused to allow their daughters to take part in mixed swimming lessons on the basis of their religion.
The parents, both Turkish-Swiss dual nationals, appealed to the court over a fine handed down by education authorities after they declined to send two of their daughters to mixed swimming lessons.
They said that the requirement, imposed by the school up until the age of puberty as part of its physical education curriculum, violated their right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion enshrined in article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
While the court acknowledged that the requirement was an interference with the freedom of religion, it ruled that the interference represented a "legitimate aim" to protect foreign pupils from social exclusion.

It said that schools played an important role in encouraging social integration, especially regarding children of foreign origin.
It also noted that the authorities in Basel, Switzerland, had tried to reach a compromise with the parents, including allowing the girls to wear burkinis for the lessons.
The court also ruled that the fine imposed on the parents, of 350 Swiss francs ($345) each per child, totalling 1,400 francs, was proportionate to the aim.
The European Court of Human Rights was established to oversee the European Convention on Human Rights, adopted by the 47-member Council of Europe.
The court is not a European Union institution.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Namibians sue Germany in U.S. over early-1900s genocide

Descendants of the Herero and Nama people from what is now Namibia are suing Germany in the United States over a genocide carried out by German colonial troops in the early 1900s, in which more than 100,000 people were killed.
According to a complaint filed with the U.S. District Court in Manhattan, Germany has excluded the plaintiffs from talks with Namibia on the matter, and has publicly said any settlement will not include reparations to victims' families, even if compensation is awarded to Namibia itself.
 Some historians view what occurred as the 20th century's first genocide, and a 1985 United Nations report said the "massacre" of Hereros qualified as a genocide.