Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The Chinese renminbi joins the IMF's reserve-currency

If lots of things were priced in SDRs, the IMF’s decision would have forced companies around the world to buy yuan-denominated assets as soon as possible, to hedge their exposure. That would have prompted China’s currency to strengthen dramatically. But the Suez transit fees are a rare case; few other goods or services are priced in SDRs. Instead, admission to the currency club is significant mainly for its symbolism: the IMF is lending its imprimatur to the yuan as a reserve currency—a safe, liquid asset in which governments can park their wealth. Indeed, far from setting off a groundswell of demand for the yuan, the IMF’s decision may pave the way for the yuan’s depreciation.
The reason is that the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) will now find itself under more pressure to manage the yuan as central banks in most developed economies do: by letting market forces determine their prices. In bringing the yuan into the SDR, the IMF had to determine that it is “freely usable”. This is a large leap of faith in a currency which is still heavily managed, so before coming to this decision, the IMF asked China to make changes to its currency regime.http://www.economist.com/news/business-and-finance/21679341-its-new-status-might-make-weaker-yuan-chinese-renminbi-joins-imfs?fsrc=scn/fb/te/bl/ed/thechineserenminbijoinstheimfsreservecurrencybasket

Sunday, 22 November 2015

There were multiple chances to stop the men who attacked Paris

In January, Turkish authorities detained one of the suicide bombers at Turkey's border and deported him to Belgium. Brahim Abdeslam, Turkish authorities told Belgian police at the time, had been "radicalized" and was suspected of wanting to join Islamic State in Syria, a Turkish security source told Reuters.
Yet during questioning in Belgium, Abdeslam denied any involvement with militants and was set free. So was his brother Salah – a decision that Belgian authorities say was based on scant evidence that either man had terrorist intentions.
On Nov. 13, Abdeslam blew himself up at Le Comptoir Voltaire bar in Paris, killing himself and wounding one other. Salah is also a suspect in the attacks, claimed by the Islamic State, and is now on the run.
In France, an "S" (State Security) file for people suspected of being a threat to national security had been issued on Ismail Omar Mostefai, who would detonate his explosive vest inside Paris' Bataclan concert hall. Mostefai, a Frenchman of Algerian descent, was placed on the list in 2010, French police sources say.

Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/22/us-france-shooting-opportunities-insight-idUSKBN0TB09R20151122#fDtbzdX7L31Vbt01.99

Friday, 20 November 2015

Etat d’urgence : « une marge de manœuvre bien trop large est offerte aux autorités »

A cette loi de 1955, qui est certes datée, viennent s’ajouter les nombreuses normes adoptées pour renforcer les pouvoirs de la police dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, comme la loi sur le renseignement en juillet. L’arsenal juridique paraît donc suffisant pour travailler à la prévention des actes terroristes.
Si la lutte contre ces derniers révèle ses limites, ce n’est pas faute de textes mais faute de moyens, tout particulièrement humains. Il n’est nul besoin de révision constitutionnelle

En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2015/11/19/etat-d-urgence-une-marge-de-man-uvre-bien-trop-large-est-offerte-aux-autorites_4813627_823448.html#tioLYf6G3l40mMha.99

Outside Powers Must End Their Proxy Wars in Syria

Airstrikes, however, do not win wars. Warplanes drop bombs, meaning they function as airborne artillery. No military doctrine holds that artillery alone can conquer territory. That takes forces on the ground. The ground forces exist in both Syria and Iraq, and they are not from the Western world. The Syrian Army, though odious to many Syrians and to the Western powers, is the strongest of these and has weathered four-and-a-half years of war without breaking up. It lost territory to ISIS in northeast Syria and at Palmyra, and it has reclaimed some of it with Russian air support. The Kurds of Iraq, supported by Kurds from Turkey and Syria and by U.S. airstrikes, have clawed back most of the territory that ISIS seized from them last year. The Shiite militias in southern Iraq, which filled the vacuum left by mass desertions from the U.S.-created Iraqi Army, with Iranian support and American air cover saved Baghdad from ISIS conquest and regained lost ground. The war requires infantry, but not American, British, and French troops. Nothing would turn Iraqis and Syrians to the jihadis more quickly than a Western invasion.

Several Paris attackers were on U.S. watchlists: officials

At least four of the Paris attackers were listed in a central counter-terrorism database maintained by the U.S. intelligence community, five U.S. officials said on Thursday.
At least one and possibly more of the attackers was also on a more selective U.S. "no fly list", three of the officials said, though they would not provide a specific number.

EU agrees to French request for military help

Countries unanimously support move to provide aid and assistance in fight against ISIL.
 According to a source in the meeting, Le Drian explained that the French had asked to invoke the obscure EU provision instead of NATO’s Article 5 because some of the less hawkish members of Hollande’s cabinet did not want to put pressure on the U.S., and also did not want to further destabilize the Middle East with a NATO intervention.
 Another reason France invoked the EU treaty provision, known as Article 42.7, was that it can be implemented quickly. Putting it into action “does not require any formal decision or Council conclusions to be taken so we need no further formality,” Mogherini said.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Freed ISIS captives have given detailed accounts of their experiences

 Freed ISIS captives have given detailed accounts of their experiences of “draconian rules and regimented torture” by the militant groups; 69 Arab prisoners of the Islamic State were rescued last week in a joint US-Kurdish operation in northern Iraq.


Turkey Says It Struck Kurdish Forces in Syria

 Ankara has confirmed that it carried out strikes against US-backed Kurdish YPG forces in Syria, potentially sparking a new fight with the Obama administration which has been increasing its support for the Kurds in light of their success against ISIS.


European Court Tackles the Definition of Genocide, by Marko Milanovic, EJIL Talk

European Court Tackles the Definition of Genocide

Published on October 27, 2015        Author: 

Last week the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered a very interesting judgment in Vasiliauskas v. Lithuania, no. 35343/05, in which it examined in detail the definition of the crime of genocide. This is another one in a series of relatively sui generis cases, mostly coming from the Baltic states, dealing with historical crimes and pleaded under Article 7 ECHR, which incorporates the nullum crimen sine lege principle. The basic issue in the case was that the applicant, who worked for Soviet security services and was involved in the killings of Lithuanian partisans, was convicted of genocide by Lithuanian courts after the resumption of independence by the Baltic states, under the new Lithuanian Criminal Code which explicitly had retroactive application.
The question that the Court had to answer, therefore, was whether the applicant’s conviction for genocide was reasonably foreseeable, in light of international law as it stood in 1953, when the crime was committed. The Court comes out terribly split on the outcome, ruling by 9 votes to 8 that the conviction was not foreseeable and that there was a violation of Article 7.
The majority and the minority both agree that customary international law at the time prohibited genocide, in parallel to the 1948 Genocide Convention. They also agree that the list of protected groups under Article II of the Convention, which is reflective of custom, deliberately excluded political groups. Thus, a conviction for genocide would not have been sound if the Soviets were ‘merely’ destroying their political opponents in Lithuania. But where the case really gets interesting is in the analysis of the ‘in part’ element of genocidal intent. Here the minority believes that it is perfectly fine to first define the protected group as ethnic Lithuanians, and then further define a ‘part’ of that group as Lithuanian partisans or opponents of Soviet rule. The majority, on the other hand, believes that while the idea of the ‘part’ of a group could foreseeably be thought of in numerical terms in 1953, it was not foreseeable that the part could also be defined in qualitative terms, as emerged from the case law of modern international criminal tribunals (para. 177). This last point is I think highly problematic, since those individuals convicted for intending to destroy a part of a group in modern trials could then also say that their convictions violated nullum crimen, since their crimes also preceded in time the jurisprudence of the tribunals who convicted them – that this happened by 5 or 10 years rather than 50 seems entirely immaterial.
On the other hand, accepting the minority’s approach to the definition of a ‘part’ of a group would expand the scope of genocide far beyond the approach taken so far in international criminal law. For example, if the applicant had intended to kill all gay Lithuanians or all disabled Lithuanians this would, under the minority’s reasoning as far as I understand it, also constitute genocide, even though sexual orientation or disability are not covered by the Genocide Convention. Both groups would be ‘substantial’ in number, much like the partisans. But in any event the whole case is yet another demonstration of the highly problematic and morally arbitrary nature of the definition of genocide, which is unfortunately coupled with the peculiar political magic that the word has. An excessive focus on that crime by prosecutors, judges and in public discourse only serves to systematically devalue other crimes against international law, be it in Bosnia, Darfur, Cambodia, or indeed in Soviet-controlled Lithuania.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

U.S., allies conduct 18 air strikes in Iraq, five in Syria: U.S. military

Continuing this same "counter-terrorism" strategy while Russia and Iran openly engage in warfare certainly will not lead to some sort of democratic transition.
Meanwhile, world leaders and international media try to push the attention to the old anthem to blame  Israel for the middle east instability.

Sudan sends ground troops to Yemen

Aden, a strategic port and shipping hub, became the seat of the Yemeni government earlier this year after the Houthis, a clan from northern Yemen, seized the capital Sanaa and forced President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to flee to the south.

A military source in Aden said that 300 Sudanese soldiers and officers arrived by sea on Saturday. Their purpose was to "help maintain security for the city against the Houthis and Saleh," the source said, referring to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, whose supporters have sided with the Houthis.

« Drone Papers » : dix révélations sur le programme américain d’assassinats ciblés

La chaîne de commandement pour obtenir l'autorisation pour une frappe mortelle.
Des milliers de tirs de missiles et de morts, sur une demi-douzaine de théâtres d’opération… Le programme d’assassinats ciblés mené par les Etats-Unis en Afghanistan ou au Yémen, dans le cadre de sa lutte contre le terrorisme, est vaste — et très secret. L’enquête du site The Intercept, « The Drone Papers », lève le voile sur de nombreux aspects inconnus de ce programme, et confirme des informations déjà connues, à l’heure où la France commence elle aussi à procéder à des frappes ciblées en Syrie avec l’aide des services de renseignements américains.
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2015/10/17/drone-papers-dix-revelations-sur-le-programme-americain-d-assassinats-cibles_4791688_4408996.html#wQTyeqBDVkFX0vel.99

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Syrian army, backed by Iranian fighters, advance south of Aleppo: monitor

There is a bloody war raging in Syria territory, including indirect use of force, through open terrorism support, and international interference at the internal strife. And this is a completely different situation, other than the cold war or the multilateral post-cold war channels, the outcome is unknown, the war crimes are well documented, and is this going to be the first precedent of a GZero international order?? 


Saturday, 10 October 2015

Twin blasts in the centre of the Turkish capital kill at least 86 and injure nearly 200 more, government says

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced three days of national mourning during a televised press conference on Saturday afternoon.

"We are confident that there is no single citizen who doesn't share the deep sorrow for those who have lost their loved ones in these attacks." 

Friday, 9 October 2015

UN demands probe into deadly Yemen wedding strike

UN aid chief calls for "real accountability" after at least 47 people killed in Sanban town in missile attack.

 | War & ConflictMiddle EastYemen


War in the Muslim world Putin dares, Obama dithers The danger of Russia’s intervention in Syria, and America’s timidity in Afghanistan

TO HEAR Vladimir Putin, Russia has become the leader of a new global war on terrorism. By contrast Barack Obama seems wearier by the day with the wars in the Muslim world that America has been fighting for more than a decade. On September 30th Russian jets went into action to support Bashar al-Assad’s beleaguered troops. It is setting up an intelligence-sharing network with Iraq and Iran. The Russian Orthodox church talks of holy war. Mr Putin’s claim to be fighting Islamic State (IS) is questionable at best. The evidence of Russia’s first day of bombing is that it attacked other Sunni rebels, including some supported by America. Even if this is little more than political theatre, Russia is making its biggest move in the Middle East, hitherto America’s domain, since the Soviet Union was evicted in the 1970s.http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21669950-danger-russias-intervention-syria-and-americas-timidity-afghanistan-putin-dares?spc=scode&spv=xm&ah=9d7f7ab945510a56fa6d37c30b6f1709

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

NATO rejects Russia explanation on Turkish air space

"The MIG-29 locked its radar onto the Turkish patrol for 4 minutes 30 seconds, and a Syria-based missile system locked onto them for 4 minutes 15 seconds, the Turkish military said. Russia flies MIG-29s, as does Syria's own air force. "


Sunday, 26 July 2015

NATO calls emergency meeting after Turkey's request

Turkey announced on Friday a double military offensive, one against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group across the border in Syria, and the other targeting Kurdish PKK fighters in northern Iraq.
"Turkey requested the meeting in view of the seriousness of the situation after the heinous terrorist attacks in recent days, and also to inform allies of the measures it is taking," NATO said.
"NATO allies follow developments very closely and stand in solidarity with Turkey."
In Article 4, members are encouraged to bring subjects to the table for discussion for political consultation.
Since the alliance's creation in 1949, NATO has been invoked several times, such as by Turkey in 2003 and in 2012, and Poland in 2014.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Russia vetoes UN genocide resolution on Srebrenica

Russia has vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica during the Bosnian war as a "crime of genocide".

Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin on Wednesday called the UK-drafted text "not constructive, confrontational and politically-motivated," arguing that it unfairly singled out Bosnian Serbs for war crimes.

"The draft that we have in front of us will not help peace in the Balkans but rather doom this region to tension," Churkin told the council meeting that began with a minute of silence to remember the victims.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Russia says will retaliate if U.S. weapons stationed on its borders

"If heavy U.S. military equipment, including tanks, artillery batteries and other equipment really does turn up in countries in eastern Europe and the Baltics, that will be the most aggressive step by the Pentagon and NATO since the Cold War," Russian defense ministry official General Yuri Yakubov said.
"Russia will have no option but to build up its forces and resources on the Western strategic front," Interfax news agency quoted him as saying.


Mokhtar belmokhtar visé par une frappe américaine en Libye

La dernière opération des Américains en Libye date de juin 2014, quand leurs forces spéciales ont capturé Ahmed Abou Khattala, un des organisateurs présumés de l’attaque contre le consulat américain à Benghazi en 2012, qui avait coûté la vie à l’ambassadeur Chris Stevens et trois autres Américains.
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2015/06/15/les-etats-unis-disent-avoir-frappe-une-cible-terroriste-en-libye_4653905_3210.html#EbrFQQ3UKcWFp5Uq.99

Sunday, 14 June 2015

U.S. conducts 'counterterrorism strike' against Al-Qaida-linked target in Libya - Middle East - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

 The U.S. military conducted a "counterterrorism strike" on Saturday
night against an Al-Qaida-associated militant in Libya, the Pentagon
said on Sunday.

"We are assessing the results of the operation and
will provide additional information as and when appropriate," Defense
Department spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said in a statement.

U.S. conducts 'counterterrorism strike' against Al-Qaida-linked target in Libya - Middle East - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Sunday, 7 June 2015

India and Bangladesh conclude long-delayed land swap deal - World - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The deal — initially reached in 1974 but only recently ratified by India's Parliament — calls for the transfer of 111 border enclaves to Bangladesh in exchange for 51 that will become part of India. More than 50,000 residents will get citizenship after the agreement is implemented.

India and Bangladesh conclude long-delayed land swap deal - World - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Hezbollah denies Lebanese reports of Israeli strike near eastern border - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Lebanese security sources said Tuesday that the Israel Air Force struck targets near its border with Syria in the east, the Lebanese Daily Star reported.  Hezbollah's media outlet, Al-Manar, immediately denied that there had been an Israeli strike

Hezbollah denies Lebanese reports of Israeli strike near eastern border - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Russia bans 89 European political and military leaders - World - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Russia has imposed an entry ban on 89 European politicians and military leaders, according to a list seen by Reuters, a move that has angered Europe and worsened its standoff with the West over Moscow's role in the Ukraine conflict.
More than 6,200 people have been killed in fighting between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists. Russia dismisses accusations from Ukraine, NATO and Western powers that it is supporting the separatists with arms and its own troops.

Russia bans 89 European political and military leaders - World - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Friday, 29 May 2015

Video purports to show secret arms shipment from Turkey to Islamist rebels in Syria - Middle East - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The footage shows gendarmerie and police officers opening crates on the back of the trucks which contain what newspaper Cumhuriyet described as weapons and ammunition. Cumhuriyet said the video was from Jan. 19, 2014 but did not say how it had obtained the footage.

Video purports to show secret arms shipment from Turkey to Islamist rebels in Syria - Middle East - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Brutal truths about ISIL victories

The fight against ISIL is in many ways a fight between the idea of a nation state and the idea of a revolutionary ideological empire. Lessons learned about the intrinsic strengths of revolutionary insurgencies in comparison with the strengths of conventional armies are not being applied.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

EU plans migrant quotas, Britain opts out

The EU announced a plan on Wednesday to distribute asylum-seekers more fairly around its member states and take in 20,000 more refugees, but Britain's newly re-elected Conservative leaders rejected any quota system imposed from Brussels.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Bolivia’s access to the sea Beaches of the future? A South American border dispute has implications for international law

 May 9th 2015 | THE HAGUE |
BOLIVIA has a navy. Merchant vessels sail the high seas under the Bolivian flag. The country celebrates March 23rd as the “Day of the Sea”. In fact, Bolivia has all the trappings of a maritime power except an actual coastline (confining its navy to lakes and rivers). It lost its littoral to Chile in a 19th-century war and has been trying to recover a piece of it almost ever since.
On May 4th Bolivia’s quest entered a new phase when the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague began hearings on its demand for Chile to grant it “sovereign access to the sea”, ie, territory that would reconnect it to the Pacific Ocean. The government commissioned 35 musicians to record a song, “Beaches of the Future”, to drum up international support.
It faces long odds. The first hearings address Chile’s objection to the whole procedure on the grounds that the court has no jurisdiction in the matter. Only if the ICJ rejects Chile’s position, or defers a decision, will it consider Bolivia’s claim that Chile has an “obligation to negotiate” access to the sea. That, Chile will argue, is a dangerous notion. It would overturn the treaty that ended hostilities between the two countries, and thus pose a threat to the system of treaties that undergirds much international law. If that is right, more is at stake in the Dutch courtroom than Bolivia’s hankering for beachfront property.
The struggle has its origin in the exploitation of nitrates, used for fertiliser and to make saltpetre for the manufacture of gunpowder, in the Bolivian littoral, whose sparse population was mainly Chilean. Angered by an increase in Bolivian tax on nitrate miners, Chile invaded the port of Antofagasta in 1879. By the end of the four-year war it had also defeated Peru, which had allied with Bolivia, annexing its departments of Arica and Tacna (see map). In all, Bolivia lost 400km (250 miles) of coastline and 120,000 square km of territory. Peace was concluded only with a “treaty of peace and friendship” in 1904, under which Bolivia accepted the loss of its Pacific coast. In return Chile promised Bolivia “the fullest and freest” commercial transit.
Bolivia is not reconciled to the loss. The poorest country in South America, it blames its plight largely on its landlocked condition (see article). Much of Chile’s hoard of copper, its main export, lies underneath what was Bolivian soil. The commitment to free transit “is not as wonderful as Chile likes to portray,” says Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé, a former Bolivian president who is now ambassador to the Netherlands. Although Bolivia has its own customs officials and storage in Arica and Antofagasta, it complains that Chile has created an obstacle course for exporters. It subjects Bolivian cargo to unwarranted inspections, for example. Bolivia’s constitution, enacted in 2009 under the current president, Evo Morales, calls access to the Pacific an “irrevocable right”.
That frustrated ambition has made for a relationship with Chile that is at once prickly and intimate. The two countries’ citizens can cross the border without passports, and most Bolivian goods have duty-free access to Chile’s market. Despite the obstacles, two-thirds of Bolivia’s long-distance trade passes through Chilean ports.
Yet liberal, outward-looking Chile has little rapport with the left-wing nationalists who currently govern Bolivia. Commerce lags behind its potential. Chilean companies, avid investors in neighbouring countries, have risked hardly any money in Bolivia. In turn, Bolivia has spurned big opportunities merely to spite Chile. A president who wanted to export gas through Chilean ports was forced out of office in 2003. In a referendum the following year, voters said Bolivia should use gas as a negotiating tool to gain access to the Pacific.
With the suit at the ICJ, Bolivia is trying a new tack. It insists that this is not an attempt to reopen the 1904 treaty, as Chile alleges. Instead, Chile “brought itself into a new kind of international obligation” by repeatedly offering Bolivia some sort of access to the sea after the treaty came into force, argues Mr Rodríguez. In 1975, for example, Chile’s dictator Augusto Pinochet, fearing war with Argentina and Peru, offered Bolivia a corridor in territory that had belonged to Peru. Peru vetoed that plan. It has that right under the treaty that restored Tacna to its control in 1929. No matter, says Bolivia. Chile is still bound by the obligation to negotiate that its offers gave rise to.
This line of argument leaves Chilean officials aghast. It is “unheard of”, says Heraldo Muñoz, who was Chile’s foreign minister until the president asked her cabinet to resign on May 6th (see Bello). Bolivia is not merely asking for dialogue, which Chile would enter into, but negotiations under court order “with only one outcome”. The ICJ has no business judging the matter. Both countries are parties to the Pact of Bogotá, which obliges signatories to submit disputes to international tribunals. But the pact excludes conflicts that were settled before 1948. Even if the court claims competence, Chile is confident it will not issue a judgment that would call into question borders long settled by treaty.
The ICJ is likely to rule this year on Chile’s motion to dismiss the case, or to defer a decision until it considers Bolivia’s claim. A finding for Bolivia would not end the saga. Negotiations would drag on, and could wind up back in court. No Chilean government would dare to surrender territory to Bolivia, at least not without compensation, perhaps in the form of a land swap. Even if Chile were willing, Peru could exercise its veto again.
If Bolivia and Chile cannot resolve the dispute, they could try to work around it. Chile admits that there is room for improvement in the free-transit regime. Some suggest it could offer Bolivia a lease on an enclave over which it would retain sovereignty, similar to China’s former arrangement with Britain over part of Hong Kong. But no solution short of sovereignty will satisfy Bolivia. It “will never stop claiming”, says Bolivia’s man in The Hague.
Editor's note: Chile's government has confirmed that Mr Muñoz will remain foreign minister.

Monday, 4 May 2015

UN: More than 200 young women rescued from Boko Haram are pregnant - World - Israel News | Haaretz

At least 214 young women and girls recently rescued from Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram in north-eastern Nigeria are pregnant, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) said Monday.

Nigeria's army freed almost 7,000 women from various Boko Haram camps last week.

UN: More than 200 young women rescued from Boko Haram are pregnant - World - Israel News | Haaretz

La vente de Rafaele au Qatar, coup dur pour Air France

François Hollande est arrivé, lundi 4 mai, à Doha, au Qatar, accompagné des ministres des affaires étrangères et de la défense, Laurent Fabius et Jean-Yves Le Drian, pour assister à la signature officielle de deux contrats de vente de 24 avions de combat Rafale à l’émirat.
Le Qatar avait mis une condition à l’achat de ces 24 avions : obtenir des droits de trafic supplémentaires vers la France pour sa compagnie aérienne, Qatar Airways. L’émirat a eu gain de cause. Les avions de Qatar Airways, qui desservent déjà Paris, pourront désormais atterrir à Lyon et à Nice, vraisemblablement trois fois par semaine.

En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2015/05/04/la-vente-de-rafale-profite-a-qatar-airways_4626755_3234.html#BJBjJJQaA23jJ5JE.99

François (Hollande) d'Arabie

Pour la première fois, un président de la République française sera l’invité d’honneur d’un sommet extraordinaire du Conseil de coopération du Golfe (CCG), lundi 4 et mardi 5 mai à Riyad, en Arabie saoudite, l’incontestable chef de file de ce club des pétromonarchies arabes du golfe Persique, qui regroupe également le Qatar, Bahreïn, les Emirats arabes unis, Oman et le Koweït. Jamais le CCG n’avait réservé un tel accueil au dirigeant d’un pays ami.
François Hollande, prince d’Arabie ? Qui aurait imaginé, au début de son mandat, le président « normal » et socialiste se muer en homme de confiance de la monarchie sunnite la plus conservatrice. Autant la politique intérieure et l’économie françaises semblent laisser M. Hollande sans imagination ni ressort, autant la grande diplomatie − et surtout sa dimension guerrière − ont le don de réveiller chez lui audace et détermination. Il faudra un jour élucider ce mystère : le président s’est-il transformé au gré des circonstances, ou portait-il secrètement cette volonté d’influer sur les affaires du monde, en particulier celles du monde arabe ?

En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2015/04/30/francois-d-arabie_4625576_3232.html#mCOXJeO7yDywQu4U.99

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Behind the Continent's Migrant Crisis By Fabrizio Tassinari and Hans Lucht

The success of any plan will depend on European countries working together. For years, northern and southern Europe have been divided by the euro crisis, with the parsimonious Northerners blaming the profligate Southerners. Southern governments have pleaded the North for support, but northern countries have refused to take on liability for debts incurred by nations they do not trust. In the migrant crisis, however, the roles have reversed. It is southern Europe that has shown virtue and forbearance, and northern Europe is seen as having neglected to play its part, even though countries such as Germany and Sweden have the greatest number of asylum applications. Perhaps it is not too farfetched to suggest that the north-south divide on the question of receiving refugees could be overcome by turning the euro-crisis narrative on its head, for example by allowing southern European countries to offset the costs of migration management from their deficit-reduction targets.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Germans must be 'sensitive' to what Nazis did to other countries, Merkel says - World - Israel News | Haaretz

"We can see that in the Greece debate and in other European countries. We Germans have a special responsibility to be alert, sensitive and aware of what we did during the Nazi era and about lasting damage caused in other countries. I've got tremendous sympathy for that."

Germans must be 'sensitive' to what Nazis did to other countries, Merkel says - World - Israel News | Haaretz

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Report: Israel strikes Syrian military bases, Hezbollah targets near Syria-Lebanon border - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News | Haaretz

According to the report, the airstrikes targeted the bases of the 155th and 65th strategic missile brigades, stationed in Qalamoun, near the Syria-Lebanon border. Residents of nearby cities Yabroud and Qarah reported hearing explosions.
Former Syrian opposition leader Hadi al-Bahra tweeted that there were reports of attacks on the 92nd battalion, in addition to the attacks on the 155th and 65th brigades. Al-Bahra also tweeted that the 155th brigade is responsible for launching Scud and Scud-B missiles

Report: Israel strikes Syrian military bases, Hezbollah targets near Syria-Lebanon border - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News | Haaretz

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Quand la Banque mondiale trahit les pauvres

Quand la Banque mondiale trahit les pauvres
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2015/04/21/quand-la-banque-mondiale-trahit-les-pauvres_4620042_3212.html#DTE5siq8mDIyjYI2.99

Yémen : l'Arabie saoudite annonce la fin de l'opération « Tempête décisive

L'intervention de la coalition arabe dirigée par l'Arabie saoudite contre les rebelles houthistes au Yémen entre dans une nouvelle phase. Le général Ahmed Al-Assiri, porte-parole de la coalition, a annoncé, mardi 21 avril, la « fin de l'opération “Tempête décisive” à la demande du gouvernement et du président yéménites ». Selon la télévision officielle saoudienne, le pays et ses alliés sunnites estiment avoir atteint leurs objectifs militaires et éliminé avec succès les menaces pesant sur l'Arabie saoudite et ses voisins grâce à leur intervention.
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/proche-orient/article/2015/04/21/en-un-mois-l-operation-militaire-internationale-au-yemen-a-fait-944-morts_4620129_3218.html#Tqsy5lF85aUe7kyl.99

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Génocide : la douloureuse question de la définition Le Monde.fr | 15.04.2015

Génocide : la douloureuse question de la définition

Le Monde.fr |   • Mis à jour le  | Par  

En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/international/visuel/2015/04/15/genocide-la-douloureuse-question-de-la-definition_4616442_3210.html#iFvfzoZ7wdcqk4OX.99

Les responsables d'attaques au chlore en Syrie

« Jusqu'à présent, le gouvernement syrien n'a payé aucun prix pour avoir commis un crime de guerre avec des armes chimiques interdites », a affirmé le directeur de HRW pour l'ONU Philippe Bolopion. Le Conseil a adopté le 6 mars 2015 une résolution condamnant l'utilisation du chlore comme arme chimique dans le conflit, sans toutefois désigner les coupables.
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/proche-orient/article/2015/04/17/l-onu-veut-determiner-avec-precision-les-responsables-d-attaques-au-chlore-en-syrie_4617685_3218.html#OLlpXTou7oH2BtML.99

Le FMI et les pays émergents

Les pays émergents réunis au sein du G24 ont dénoncé jeudi 16 avril en termes très directs l'inaction des Etats-Unis sur la réforme du FMI. Adoptée en 2010, elle est et censée doubler les ressources du Fonds et donner plus de poids aux émergents.
« Nous réitérons notre profonde déception face au manque de progrès dans l'application de la réforme des quotas et de la gouvernance du FMI, adoptée en 2010 et pressons instamment les Etats-Unis de la ratifier », souligne le communiqué du G-24 publié lors des assemblées semi-annuelles du Fonds monétaire international et de la Banque mondiale à Washington. Ce processus de ratification est actuellement bloqué au Congrès américain.

En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2015/04/17/le-fmi-tarde-a-se-reformer-a-cause-des-etats-unis-selon-les-pays-emergents_4617686_3234.html#MxfFOqlkpyPkjkIK.99

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Colombia to resume bombing rebels after deadly ambush

(Reuters) - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos ordered the resumption of bombing raids against FARC guerrillas on Wednesday after a rebel attack killed 10 soldiers, heating up a war that had seen a tentative cessation of hostilities.

As part of peace talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Santos last month stopped air raids on rebel hideouts in recognition of a unilateral ceasefire declared in December by the insurgent group.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Brasil se torna sócio de banco Asiático

O AIIB começa com um capital cinco vezes maior do que o banco do Brics (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul), cuja criação foi assinada em julho do ano passado durante a Cúpula de Fortaleza.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Syrian Islamists exchange 25 prisoners for commander - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

Islamist militants and fighters loyal to the Syrian government have made a rare prisoner swap, with insurgents releasing 25 women and children in exchange for one of their commanders, a monitoring group said on Monday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 10 children and 15 women were kidnapped by insurgents more than a year ago from Shi'ite towns in northern Aleppo province.
The deal was between the militant Islamist Jaish al-Mujahideen and pro-government militia, it said, and mediated by Kurdish fighters known as Popular Protection Units (YPG).

Middle East Updates / Syrian Islamists exchange 25 prisoners for commander - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Tunisia restores diplomatic relations with Syria - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

The decision has been criticized within Syria, especially by families of Tunisians who disappeared in Syria after the breakdown of consular relations hindered their repatriation. 

Tunisia restores diplomatic relations with Syria - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

More than 25,000 recruits joined jihadi groups like ISIS since 2014 - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

In addition to Syria and Iraq, the report said Afghan security forces estimated in March that about 6,500 foreign fighters were active in the country. And it said hundreds of foreigners are fighting in Yemen, Libya and Pakistan, around 100 in Somalia, and others in the Sahel countries in northern Africa, and in the Philippines.
The number of countries the fighters come from has also risen dramatically from a small group in the 1990s to over 100 today — more than half the countries in the world — including some that have never had previous links with Al-Qaida associated groups, the panel said.

More than 25,000 recruits joined jihadi groups like ISIS since 2014 - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The path to equality for Israel's Sephardic Jews starts at becoming proud Arabs - Israel News | Haaretz

The flight from Arabism, even the wearing of Eastern European shtetl clothing (as one sees in Shas) will not lead Mizrahim, meaning Arabs of the Jewish faith, anywhere. Netanyahu and the white right wing in general will continue to fan hatred towards Arabs. This hate will ensure the continued flight of Arab Jews from their Arabness and the right’s continued manipulation of Jews who are estranged from it.
As a result, it is only when the descendants of Jewish Arabs proudly and confidently proclaim to the refined, arrogant European Israelis that they are Arab, and proud of it, that perhaps there will be an end to their tribulations. This could also constitute a first step on the road to a historic reconciliation with the Palestinians.

The path to equality for Israel's Sephardic Jews starts at becoming proud Arabs - Israel News | Haaretz

Monday, 30 March 2015

U.S. would support regional Arab military force, defense secretary says - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

"So I think if they are willing to do more, in this case with respect to Yemen, then that is a good thing because ultimately it is their region. ... The willingness of the parties there to step up and do more for stability in the Middle East is a good thing," Carter said.

U.S. would support regional Arab military force, defense secretary says - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Saudi-led forces blockade Yemen ports - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

The move to block ports appeared aimed at preventing the rebels, known as Houthis, from rearming, and comes after the coalition achieved full control of the skies and bombed a number of rebel-held airports. The rebels are supported by Iran, but both Iran and the Houthis deny Tehran has armed them.

Saudi-led forces blockade Yemen ports - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Middle East updates / Saudi-led air strikes destroy most Houthi missiles, official says - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

Yemen FM: 'Very possible' ground forces will be needed; Arab League meet convenes in Egypt amid Yemen airstrike campaign; Saudi-led forces reportedly strike Houthi military column in south Yemen; Saudi Arabia's navy evacuates diplomats from Aden.

Middle East updates / Saudi-led air strikes destroy most Houthi missiles, official says - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

Friday, 27 March 2015

Military action in Yemen: Who's for, who's against?

 Military action in Yemen: Who's for, who's against? Saudi Arabia Morocco


U.S. officials: Iran's Revolutionary Guards is training and equipping Yemen's Houthis - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

U.S. officials said Tehran's direct involvement with the Houthis was limited but that U.S. intelligence assessments had concluded that Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps personnel were training and equipping Houthi units.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss security matters, expressed concern that the IRGC's mission could include training the Houthis to use advanced weaponry they acquired after seizing Yemeni military bases.

U.S. officials: Iran's Revolutionary Guards is training and equipping Yemen's Houthis - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Monday, 23 March 2015

Six Tunisia police chiefs dismissed over museum attack

"He visited [the area around the museum] last night and saw several deficiencies. So he has decided to fire a number of officials including the Tunis police chief and the police chief for the Bardo area that includes the museum," Mofdi Mssedi, Essid's communications director, told AFP news agency.

Iran accused of sending 30,000 troops to fight in Iraq

Kurdish authorities in Iraq have accused Iran of sending 30,000 soldiers and military experts to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group.
Shakhawan Abdullah, the head of the Iraq's parliamentary security and defence committee, told Al Jazeera on Sunday that Iranian soldiers were operating in a number of Iraqi cities and fighting on Iraqi soil.
Inside Story: Revenge and reprisals in Iraq?
Abdullah said Iran's presence went beyond military advisers and experts, and that Iranians were fighting under the banner of the Popular Mobilisation Forces.
The Popular Mobilisation Forces is an umbrella organisation of Shia armed groups composed of around 100,000 fighters.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Suicide bombers hit mosques in Yemen capital

Two mosques in the Yemeni capital Sanaa have been attacked by suicide bombers during the rush for Friday prayers, sources have told Al Jazeera.
Three blasts were heard in two central mosques used by Houthi Shia Muslims, sources said.


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Iraqi army says it begins long-awaited offensive on ISIS stronghold - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Iraq's army and Shi'ite militia have launched a long-awaited offensive
against Islamic State in Salahuddin province, a stronghold of the
radical Islamist fighters north of Baghdad, Prime Minister Haider
al-Abadi said on Sunday.

The ultra-radical fighters control
several strongholds in the mainly Sunni Muslim province of Salahuddin,
including Tikrit, hometown of executed former president Saddam Hussein.
They also hold other towns on the Tigris River, north of the government-held city of Samarra which Abadi visited on Sunday.

Iraqi army says it begins long-awaited offensive on ISIS stronghold - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Global jihad Rolling into town How the rise of Islamic State is changing history in the Middle East

“RUSH, O Muslims, to your state. Yes, it is your state. Rush, because Syria is not for the Syrians, and Iraq is not for the Iraqis.” Thus did Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaim the creation of his new caliphate last summer. He urged all Muslims (Sunnis, that is) to defend it after his fighters had spectacularly pushed Iraq’s American-trained army out of Mosul.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Egypt bombs ISIL targets in Libya after mass beheadings

"We affirm that avenging Egyptian blood and retaliating against criminals and killers is a duty we must carry out."
Libyan war planes loyal to the official government also took part in the air strikes, an official said on Monday.
"More air strikes will be carried out today and tomorrow in 

Egypt bombs ISIS targets in Libya following video of beheadings - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi warned that his country would respond to the deaths as it saw fit. Speaking on national television hours after the release of the video, Sissi said Cairo would choose the "necessary means and timing to avenge the criminal killings".

Egypt bombs ISIS targets in Libya following video of beheadings - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sissi warns of response after ISIS kills 21 Egyptians in Libya - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Egypt, the most populous Arab state, has not taken part directly in the U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria, focusing instead on the increasingly complex insurgency within its own borders.
Militants based in Libya have made contact with Sinai Province, a group operating from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula that has changed its name from Ansar Beyt al-Maqdis and pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

Sissi warns of response after ISIS kills 21 Egyptians in Libya - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

UN Security Council OKs resolution against Yemen rebels - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

The Security Council resolution on Yemen also demands that the Houthis release U.S.-backed President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and his Cabinet from house arrest and engage "in good faith" in UN-led peace talks.
The GCC ministers also had demanded that the resolution impose sanctions against anyone "hampering the process of peaceful transition of power" and called for urgent action to ensure Hadi's safety. The resolution only calls for "further steps" if the parties in Yemen fail to implement the resolution.

UN Security Council OKs resolution against Yemen rebels - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Obama: U.S. won't be dragged into long ground war with ISIS - World - Israel News | Haaretz

Under Obama's proposal, the use of military force against Islamic State fighters would be authorized for three years, unbounded by national borders. The fight could be extended to any "closely related successor entity" to the Islamic State organization that has overrun parts of Iraq and Syria, imposed a stern form of Sharia law and killed several hostages it has taken, Americans among them.

Obama: U.S. won't be dragged into long ground war with ISIS - World - Israel News | Haaretz

U.S. army to start training Ukrainian troops, commander says

U.S. army to start training Ukrainian troops, commander says - World - Israel News | Haaretz

Hezbollah and Syrian army take new ground near Israeli border - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Syrian troops and fighters from Lebanon's Hezbollah group seized several towns and villages south of Damascus on Wednesday, state media and activists said, advancing in a region bordering the Israeli Golan Heights.

Hezbollah and Syrian army take new ground near Israeli border - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Charlie Hebdo has antagonised Muslims in West Africa and galvanised opposition to French interests. 06

As the world's media extensively covered the death of 12 members of the French satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, under the fire of religious extremists in Paris, a few voices adamantly complained about the lack of attention given to the Baga massacre led by Boko Haram.
The attack was perpetrated on the same day as the Charlie Hebdo massacre, on the Nigerian-Chad border. It led to the loss of up to 2,000 civilian lives and the abduction of more than 500 women and children. This was disturbingly overshadowed by the shootings in Paris.

Yemen's new Shi'ite rulers criticized over 'coup' - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

The six Arab countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, led by Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, issued a statement Saturday carried by the official Saudi Press Agency calling for the U.N. Security Council to "put an end to this coup."
"The Cooperation Council sees Houthi coup as an escalation that cannot be accepted under any circumstances," the council said.

Yemen's new Shi'ite rulers criticized over 'coup' - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Jordan vows to 'wipe out' ISIS on third straight day of airstrikes - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

The most recent airstrikes are “the beginning of a continued process to eliminate them and wipe them out completely,” he said of the militants who control about a third of neighboring Syria and Iraq.

Jordan vows to 'wipe out' ISIS on third straight day of airstrikes - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Middle East Updates / At least 40 killed in Baghdad bombings as decade-old nightly curfew ends - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

"The restaurant was full of young people, children and women when the suicide bomber blew himself up," witness Mohamed Saeed said. "Many got killed."

Middle East Updates / At least 40 killed in Baghdad bombings as decade-old nightly curfew ends - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

U.S. supports Israel's right of self-defense

United Nations Resolution 1701 codified a ceasefire over the blue line between Israel and Lebanon after Israel's conflict with Hezbollah in 2006.

"We support Israel's legitimate right to self defense," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters on Wednesday, urging both parties to "respect the blue line between Israel and Lebanon."


Thursday, 22 January 2015

As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

 When Sri Lanka unexpectedly turfed out President Mahinda Rajapaksa in an election this month, it was the biggest setback in decades for China's expansion into South Asia - and a remarkable diplomatic victory for India.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Disenchanted militants in South Asia eye Islamic State with envy

"Look, we have been fighting for years but we don't have an inch of land in our possession in Afghanistan," said the senior commander, who spoke from the Afghan province of Kunar.
"On the other hand, Daish, within limited time, captured vast areas in Iraq and Syria and established Sharia. This is what is being discussed all the time in our circles."
"We have serious doubts about whether he (Omar) is alive at all ... Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is visible and is leading his people," the commander said, referring to the IS leader.
