Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Senado aprova ampliação de direitos trabalhistas das domésticas?

 Entre os direitos que começam a valer imediatamente após a promulgação da lei, estão a garantia de salário nunca inferior ao mínimo (hoje em R$ 678), jornada de trabalho não superior a 8 horas por dia (máximo de 44 horas semanais), pagamento de horas-extras, além do reconhecimento de convenções ou acordos coletivos (veja tabela ao lado).
Por enquanto, não serão efetivados de imediato o direito a indenização em demissões sem justa causa, a concessão de seguro-desemprego e salário-família pelo governo, conta no Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço (FGTS), adicional norturno, auxílio-creche e o seguro contra acidentes de trabalho.

Segundo o Ministério do Trabalho, todos esses direitos ainda dependem de novas leis, ou alteração das existentes – que precisam passar pelo Congresso –, além da edição de decretos ou portarias – lançadas pelo próprio governo.
Não há prazo definido para essas novas normas, mas o Ministério do Trabalho disse que a expectativa é que elas sejam criadas "o mais rápido possível", segundo a assessoria da pasta.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Obama's speeches in Israel - the transcripts

 U.S. President Barack Obama left Israel on Air Force One on Friday ending a three-day visit. During his historic stay the American president spoke to the people of Israel on different occasions.
Haaretz is pleased to provide its readers with the transcripts of the president's speeches during the three-day visit:
March 20 - Full transcript of Obama-Netanyahu joint press conference
March 22 - Full text of Barack Obama's and Shimon Peres' speeches at the state dinner
March 21 -  Full text of Obama's speech to Israeli students in Jerusalem
March 22 - Full text of Obama's speech in Ramallah
March 22 - Excerpts from Obama's speech at Yad VashemObama's speeches in Israel - the transcripts - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Profile: Abdullah Ocalan

Greyer and tempered by long isolation, PKK leader is braving the scepticism of many Turks, and some of his own fighters.
Profile: Abdullah Ocalan - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Turkey says Israel has relaxed restrictions on imports to Palestinian areas

easing restrictions change gaza situation? who can buy this argument? or is it a realligment related to syrian conflict and US investments in Turkey?

Turkish PM expresses importance of strong ties with Israel

An honour guard (R) stands at attention as Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan leaves after his meeting with Dutch Queen Beatrix at royal palace Huis ten Bosch in The Hague March 21, 2013. REUTERS/Peter Dejong/Pool Unexpected reaction from Turkish government that lately cahnged its stand on Israel by defending a tough line againt Israel beyond the flotilla incident. But can they boost reallignment with the arab world though palestinian support and israel`s demonization while also restauring friendly relations? As a secular state they don`t face similar arguments advanced by muslim resistance based on religious deeds, but can they have this cake and eat it too?

"Erdogan told (Israeli premier) Benjamin Netanyahu that he valued centuries-long strong friendship and cooperation between the Turkish and Jewish nations," the statement from Erdogan's office said.

Why Israel and Turkey Got Back Together

Why Israel and Turkey Got Back Together: Israel apologized, Turkey accepted, and the two countries have resolved a three-year dispute -- all because Turkey's leaders realized that they stood to benefit more from cooperating with Israel than from exploiting the dispute for domestic political gain.

Fearing stark future, Syrian Alawites meet in Cairo

In the first meeting of its kind by Alawites who support the revolt, delegates aimed to draft a declaration supporting a united Syria and to invite other opposition groups to cooperate on preventing sectarian bloodletting if Assad falls.
"We are inviting all of the opposition to confront the sectarian problem being ignited by the regime. The last card the regime can now play is civil war and the partition of Syria," said veteran opposition campaigner Bassam al-Youssef, an Alawite who spent more than a decade in jail under the iron rule of Assad's father, the late President Hafez al-Assad.


China to attend major U.S.-hosted naval exercises, but role limited

Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) navy sailors stand in a line and wait to attend a ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, July 19, 2012. REUTERS/Jason LeeChina's People's Liberation Army has accepted an invitation to participate for the first time in a major U.S.-hosted naval drill, but legal restrictions will limit its role to less sensitive exercises, like disaster relief, U.S. officials say.

Turkey says all main demands met with Israeli apology

Kurdish rebels declare formal ceasefire with Turkey

Demonstrators hold Kurdish flags and flags with portraits of jailed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan during a gathering to celebrate Newroz in the southeastern Turkish city of Diyarbakir March 21, 2013. REUTERS/Umit BektasThe Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant group declared a "formal and clear ceasefire" with Turkey on Saturday after the rebels' jailed leader ordered an end to the decades-long armed campaign for autonomy.

EU divided over approach to Syria conflict

After a two-year civil war that has killed 70,000 people, Paris and London say they want to raise pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and try to force him to the negotiating table by allowing the supply of arms to the rebels.
EU countries such as Germany, Austria and Sweden oppose the move, fearing it could lead to weapons falling into the hands of Islamist militants, fuel regional conflict and encourage Assad's backers, Iran and Russia, to step up arms supplies to him.


France confirms death of al Qaeda's Abou Zeid in Mali

The death of Abou Zeid, who raised millions of dollars kidnapping Western hostages, marks a heavy blow to al Qaeda's North African wing AQIM and to Islamist rebels battling French-led forces in northern Mali's Adrar des Ifoghas mountains.
The death of the ruthless commander - the trusted lieutenant of AQIM's elusive leader Abdelmalek Droukdel - was a major victory in France's nine-week-old campaign to drive al Qaeda-linked Islamists from Mali's desert north.
It raises questions, however, about the fate of several French hostages believed to be held by Abou Zeid's branch of AQIM.


In Moscow, new Chinese leader Xi warns against meddling

 Permanent U.N. Security Council members with veto power, Russia and China have frequently teamed up diplomatically to blunt the influence of the United States and its NATO allies and have blocked three draft resolutions on Syria.
"We must respect the right of each country in the world to independently choose its path of development and oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries," Xi told students at an international relations school.
He spoke a day after meeting Putin on his first foreign trip since becoming president, a choice both said underscored a "strategic partnership" between Russia and China.
In the Kremlin, he told Putin: "you and I are good friends."


Asilo Politico no Reino Unido - Assange vs. Berezovsky

Putin estava a referir-se aos cidadãos russos e opositores do seu regime que estão refugiados no Reino Unido, onde obtiveram asilo político, como o bilionário Boris Berezovsky ou o separatista checheno Akhmed Zakaïev.
O Presidente russo disse que já discutiu com as autoridades britânicas sobre as "pessoas que têm sangue até aos cotovelos, que realmente combateram" na Rússia, "de armas nas mãos" e que se "escondem na Grã-Bretanha".

Tourists kidnapped near Egypt beach resorts

 Six gunmen in Sinai peninsula intercept car carrying a Norwegian and an Israeli before forcing them into their truck.
Tourists kidnapped near Egypt beach resorts - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Obama wraps up four-day Middle East tour

Obama wraps up four-day Middle East tour - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Israel and Turkey to restore diplomatic ties

 Israel and Turkey have agreed to restore full diplomatic relations after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologised for a deadly naval raid against a Gaza-bound international flotilla in a turnaround partly brokered by the US President.
Netanyahu said on Friday he "expressed apology" to Turkey for any error that led to the death of nine Turkish nationals in the 2010 incident. Israel also agreed to compensate the families of the victims, he said.
It was a surprising turnaround for Netanyahu who had long rejected calls to apologise. He announced the breakthrough after a 20-minute phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
US President Barack Obama helped broker the fence-mending while visiting Israel, but the sides had been reaching out to each other before.
Israel and Turkey to restore diplomatic ties - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Thousands mourn slain cleric in Damascus - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Thousands mourn slain cleric in Damascus - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Assessing Obama's Middle East trip - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Assessing Obama's Middle East trip - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Friday, 22 March 2013

Militares e policiais argentinos pegam pena perpétua por crimes na ditadura

  Sete militares e policiais foram condenados à prisão perpétua nesta sexta-feira (22) em um julgamento por crimes contra a Humanidade realizados durante a ditadura argentina (1976-1983) na província de Mendoza (oeste), informou a Suprema Corte.


Gasto no exterior soma US$ 1,85 bi em fevereiro, recorde para o mês

 No primeiro bimestre, brasileiros gastaram US$ 4,15 bilhões lá fora.Segundo economistas, aumento do emprego e da renda influenciam valor.

CPI do Trabalho Escravo termina sem relatório final por falta de acordo

O presidente da CPI do Trabalho Escravo, deputado Claudio Puty (PT-PA), informou nesta sexta-feira (22) que decidiu encerrar os trabalhos da comissão sem apresentar um relatório final. O parlamentar petista reclamou que integrantes da bancada ruralista, que eram maioria na CPI, estavam articulando a elaboração de um relatório paralelo para tentar esvaziar o documento original, relatado pelo deputado Walter Feldman (PSDB-SP).
“Infelizmente, não há possibilidade de acordo que não seja um grave ataque aos trabalhadores rurais e aos direitos trabalhistas. Nós não vamos ser coniventes e, por isso, encerramos sem um relatório final”, declarou Puty em entrevista coletiva no salão verde da Câmara.
A CPI foi criada, em fevereiro de 2012, com o desafio de investigar a exploração do trabalho escravo ou análogo ao de escravidão no país. Inicialmente, a comissão deveria ter sido encerrada em agosto do ano passado, porém, os dirigentes do colegiado solicitaram a prorrogação das atividades em duas oportunidades.
O último prazo de prorrogação expirou na última sexta (16). No entanto, os dirigentes da CPI optaram por não apresentar novo pedido de extensão dos trabalhos em protesto contra a mobilização de parlamentares ligados ao agronegócio para tentar esvaziar o relatório de Feldman. Dos 28 integrantes da comissão, 20 fazem parte da bancada ruralista.


Operários estrangeiros em SP são resgatados de trabalho escravo

Operação do Ministério do Trabalho libertou 31 bolivianos e um peruano. Eles costuravam para a GEP, empresa dona de marcas como Cori e Emme.

Os 29 bolivianos costuravam para uma empresa chamada GEP, dona de marcas conhecidas, como Cori, Emme e Luigi Bertolli. Eles trabalhavam até 13 horas por dia e tinham descontadas nos salários as despesas com alimentação, habitação e também a viagem feita para o Brasil.
Em nota, o grupo GEP informou que repudia toda prática de trabalho irregular e disse que desconhecia o local denunciado pelo ministério do trabalho, mas terá que pagar agora uma multa que chega a R$1,1 milhão. A GEP assinou um Termo de Ajuste de Conduta (TAC) - em que se compromete a reforçar a fiscalização das empresas fornecedoras.
Em São Paulo, uma lei estadual recente determina a cassação do estabelecimento que comercializar produto feito por pessoas submetidas a trabalho escravo -- em qualquer etapa da fabricação, mas a Secretaria da Fazenda só pode cassar o contribuinte depois que a empresa tiver sido condenada pelo trabalho escravo, sem mais possibilidade de recurso.


Batalhão de Choque da PM entra no antigo Museu do Índio no Rio

Batalhão de choque entrou na área do museu no final da manhã (Foto: Reprodução/TVGlobo)
"A polêmica sobre o destino do espaço começou em outubro de 2012, quando o governo do estado anunciou mudanças no entorno do Maracanã, para que o estádio pudesse receber a Copa das Confederações, em 2013, a Copa do Mundo, em 2014, e a Olimpíada, em 2016.
Pelo projeto da Casa Civil, o Maracanã seria transferido para a iniciativa privada, que deveria construir um estacionamento, um centro comercial e áreas para saída do público. Para isso, alguns prédios ao redor do estádio deveriam ser demolidos, entre eles o casarão do antigo Museu do Índio, que funcionou no local de 1910 até 1978.
O edifício com área de cerca de 1.600 m² está desativado há 34 anos. O grupo de indígenas que ocupa o prédio – e deu ao museu o nome de Aldeia Maracanã – está no local desde 2006.
Esse ano, no entanto, a 8ª Vara Federal Cível do Rio de Janeiro concedeu imissão de posse em favor do governo estadual. Os índios foram notificados em 15 de março."

Sunday, 17 March 2013

En Syrie, l'irrésistible ascension des islamistes du front Al-Nosra

Membres de la rebellion, les islamistes s'imposent peu à peu comme la principale formation anti-Assad.Le docteur Osman Al-Haj Osman est connu de tous ceux ayant mis une fois les pieds dans Alep en guerre. Il dirigeait l'hôpital Dar Al-Shifa, le seul dans lequel les rebelles et les civils des zones bombardées par l'armée gouvernementale pouvaient se faire soigner. La clinique privée a été détruite le 21 novembre 2012 dans un raid de l'aviation syrienne. Le médecin a changé de local depuis.

Mercredi 13 mars, le praticien a été arrêté sur ordre du tribunal islamique, mis en place par les groupes armés rebelles à Alep. Son crime ? Avoir voulu décrocher le drapeau noir installé par des salafistes sur le toit de son nouveau local, l'hôpital Daqqaq, pour le remplacer par celui de la révolution, vert blanc et noir frappé de trois étoiles.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

The battle for the Sinai

When Egyptians took to the streets against Hosni Mubarak’s police state in January 2011, the Sinai was no exception. But the insurgency here continued long after his ouster, causing worry among some of Egypt’s powerful backers. The true test of the evolving Egyptian relationship with the US then may lie in Cairo’s ability to control any instability in the peninsula.
The battle for the Sinai - Fault Lines - Al Jazeera English

Iran steps up weapons lifeline to Syria's Assad

Iran has significantly stepped up military support to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in recent months, solidifying its position alongside Russia as the government's lifeline in an increasingly sectarian civil war, Western diplomats said.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Egypt's Islamists warn giving women some rights could destroy society


Honduras complains about "threatening" El Salvador, Nicaragua boats

In a statement posted on the president's official website, Lobo said armed boats from Nicaragua and El Salvador in the Gulf of Fonseca had shown a "threatening posture" toward the Honduran Navy, but he did not offer more details.
The gulf, which the Central American nations all have access to, has been the scene of naval incidents between the three in the past. The International Court of Justice in 1992 ruled the three countries were to share control.

China's Li Keqiang, a premier schooled in free thought

China's new premier, Li Keqiang, stands out for his casual and disarming command of English in contrast with some other top leaders who can stand around looking awkward in the presence of English-speaking dignitaries.
Li arrived at university in early 1978 from Anhui province in eastern China, a poor farming area where his father was an official and where he was sent to toil in the fields during the Cultural Revolution.
He chose law, a discipline silenced for years as a reactionary pursuit and in the late 1970s still steeped in Soviet-inspired doctrines.
In a brief memoir of his time at university, Li paid tribute to Gong Xiangrui, one of the few Chinese law professors schooled in the West to survive Mao's purges, and recalled the heady atmosphere of the time.
His ascent marks an extraordinary rise for a man who, as a youth, worked on a commune in Anhui's Fengyang County - notoriously poor even for Mao's time and one of the first places to quietly revive private bonuses in farming in the late 1970s. By the time he left, Li was a party member and secretary of his production brigade.
In spite of his liberal past, Li's elevation is unlikely to bring much change on the political front, where reform would require more unified support for any serious change.

Taiwan president to attend pope inauguration, China muted

The Vatican is Taiwan's sole European diplomatic ally. China claims the island as a wayward province, though the two sides have been governed separately since defeated Nationalist forces fled to Taiwan in 1949 after losing the Chinese civil war.
"The Holy See is our diplomatic ally, and the president ... is leading a delegation to attend the inauguration of the new pope," Taiwan Vice Foreign Minister Vanessa Shih told reporters in Taipei.
"The two countries share many universal values, such as freedom, democracy, freedom of religion (and) justice ... We have common beliefs and values, and therefore we have had a close friendship."
China reacted angrily in 2005 when former Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian, someone hated by Beijing for his pro-independence views, attended Pope John Paul II's funeral, and refused to send a delegation of its own.

Austria fears for its Golan observers, wants Syria arms ban kept


Turkish Cypriots eye turning to Muslim states for recognition


France has guarantees from Syrian rebels on weapons

France has guarantees from Syrian rebels on weapons

Vatican denies Pope stayed silent during dictatorship

"When he became bishop, he promoted the whole cause of reconciliation in the Church of Argentina," the spokesman added.
Some human rights activists in Argentina have questioned the moral credentials of Francis since his election as pope on Wednesday, because of the allegations over the dirty war period.

Don't come to Rome, give money to poor, pope tells Argentines

Pope Francis has attempted to dissuade Argentines from making costly trips to Rome for his inaugural Mass next week, suggesting they make a contribution to the poor instead, the Vatican said on Friday.

PKK rebels back jailed chief Ocalan's peace talks: Commander

Kurdish rebel fighters plan to back jailed leader Abdullah Ocalan's peace efforts with the Turkish state and have written to him of their misgivings, a top commander said on Friday.

U.S. exempts Syria's opposition forces from sanctions

The U.S. government said Friday it would allow American citizens, companies and banks to send money to Syrian opposition forces struggling to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

Romania's ethnic Hungarians march to demand more autonomy

More than one million ethnic Hungarians live in Romania, mostly in three counties in central Transylvania, a territory at the foot of the Carpathian mountains that was run by Budapest until 1918 but is now far from the Hungarian border.

Gunmen kill 8 Iraqi police recruits: police


Kerry voices conditional U.S. support for U.N. arms treaty

Secretary of State John Kerry voiced his support on Friday for an international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global arms trade, but restated Washington's "red line," affirming that it will not accept limits on U.S. domestic gun ownership.

U.S. to bolster missile defenses to counter North Korea threat: Hagel

Hagel said the Pentagon would add 14 new anti-missile interceptors at Fort Greely in Alaska - an effective reversal of an early Obama administration decision - and move ahead with the deployment of a second missile-defense radar in Japan.
The Pentagon also left open the possibility of creating a site on the U.S. East Coast where the Pentagon could field more interceptors capable of striking down an incoming missile.

Brazil names new agriculture, labor and aviation ministers

Congressman Antonio Andrade from Minas Gerais state was named agriculture minister, replacing Mendes Ribeiro, who is recovering from brain tumor surgery. Both men belong to the PMDB, Brazil's largest political party and Rousseff's main ally in her unwieldy 17-party governing coalition.
Moreira Franco, until now secretary of strategic affairs, was moved to the civil aviation portfolio, replacing Wagner Bittencourt.
That switch came after criticism of last year's auction of private concessions to run three major airports, including the country's largest in Sao Paulo, which drew smaller and less experienced consortia than the government had hoped for.
Manoel Dias, the secretary general of the PDT party, a minor coalition partner and the party where Rousseff began her political career, will move to the Labor Ministry, replacing Brizola Neto from Rousseff's Workers' Party known by its acronym PT.

UN denounces US drone use in Pakistan

"As a matter of international law, the US drone campaign in Pakistan is ... being conducted without the consent of the elected representatives of the people, or the legitimate Government of the State," Ben Emmerson, the UN's special rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism, said in a statement issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva on Friday.
"It involves the use of force on the territory of another state without its consent and is therefore a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty," he said.
UN denounces US drone use in Pakistan - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Pakistani soldier stoned to death for love affair, tribesmen say

A Pakistani soldier was publicly stoned to death on the order of a tribal court in the country's northwestern Kurram region for having an affair with a local woman, government officials and tribesmen said on Wednesday.
Such tribal justice is a stark reminder of the difficulty in establishing a credible civilian administration in Pakistan's semi-autonomous region bordering Afghanistan, despite a series of military operations in the area and Western nations pouring in millions of dollars to help build infrastructure.

Saudi Arabia executes seven for armed robbery


Germany bans three Salafist groups as anti-democratic

Germany on Wednesday banned three ultra-conservative Salafist Muslim groups which the Interior Ministry said wanted to overturn democracy and install a system based on sharia, or Islamic law.
The ban, which took effect in the western states of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia in the early morning, is the latest step taken by German authorities who have increased surveillance of Salafists who espouse a radical version of Islam.

Egypt does not allow screening of film on Egyptian Jews: producer

Egyptian authorities have failed to issue a permit to screen a historical documentary about the country's Jewish community, the film's producer said on Wednesday, one of a series of disputes over freedom of expression under the Islamist government.

Russia says arming Syrian opposition would be illegal


Syrian troops and rebels open new battlefront near Damascus

Heavy fighting erupted in an area between Damascus and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Wednesday in what could be a new battlefront between Syrian troops and rebels, opposition sources said.

Franciscans welcome Pope Francis I as herald of simplicity


Crowds in Rome flock to hail new Pope Francis


Iran, Russia, Vatican threaten to derail U.N. women's rights appeal

An "unholy alliance" of Iran, Russia, the Vatican and others is threatening to derail a U.N. declaration urging an end to violence against women and girls by objecting to language on sexual, reproductive and gay rights, some U.N. diplomats said Wednesday.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Egypt raises alert level in Sinai over jihadist fears


British minister floats quitting European rights convention

Britain should consider leaving the European Convention on Human Rights because it interferes with the government's ability to fight crime and control immigration, Home Secretary (interior minister) Theresa May said on Saturday.

Brazilian leftist Rousseff distances herself from Chavez

By leaving Venezuela under the cover of night and skipping a funeral ceremony for its late leader Hugo Chavez this week, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was once again trying to chart out a more moderate brand of leftism and send a clear signal to investors and diplomats.

Nigerian forces say they have killed 52 Islamists, arrested 70


Falklands votes in sovereignty referendum rejected by Argentina

A near-unanimous "yes" vote is likely, prompting Argentina to dismiss the referendum as a meaningless publicity stunt. A high turnout is expected, however, as islanders embrace it as a chance to make their voices heard.
"We hope the undecideds, or the uninformeds, or those countries that might otherwise be prepared to give the nod to Argentina's sovereignty claim might have pause for thought after the referendum," said John Fowler, deputy editor of the islands' weekly newspaper, the Penguin News.
"This is an attempt to say 'hang on a minute, there's another side to the story'."

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Surge in English-speaking militants worries U.S., European officials

Increased use of English in videos by Islamic extremists and a rising flow of recruits from Europe to fight in Syria and on other battlegrounds is disturbing U.S. officials who fear some could return to Europe or come to the United States to plot attacks.

End blasphemy laws threatening minorities: U.N. faith expert

Countries should repeal all laws punishing blasphemy and people who leave a faith, the United Nations' top expert on freedom of religion said on Wednesday, thrusting himself into a debate between many in the Muslim world and the West.

North Korea blurs lines between prison camps, villages: Amnesty

The reclusive country's network of political prison camps is believed to hold at least 200,000 people and has been the scene of rapes, torture, executions and slave labor, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said in January.

Malaysia troops kill 31 Philippine militants; ceasefire offer rejected


Croatia reaches deal with Slovenia to unblock EU entry


U.N. Security Council hits North Korea with more sanctions


France to secure Mali before handing over mission

"Our mission is to liberate Mali, strengthen the country, and to assure sovereignty," Le Drian said in Gao, the main town in northern Mali, shortly after he visited troops in the mountains. "The security of Mali, and the security of our country, go together," he said.
France launched a ground and air operation on January 11, saying the Islamist rebels' hold of Mali's north posed a risk to the security of West Africa and Europe.

Chavez to be embalmed for public view

so stalin style...
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez will be embalmed and put on display "for eternity" at a military museum after a state funeral and an extended period of lying in state, acting President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday.

Congresso rejeita vetos de Dilma à nova Lei dos Royalties

A Secretaria-Geral da Mesa do Senado, que coordena as votações do Congresso Nacional, informou ao G1 nesta quinta-feira (7) que os parlamentares derrubaram todos os vetos da presidente Dilma Rousseff à nova Lei dos Royalties, que redistribui os tributos pagos pela produção de petróleo. O principal veto mantinha a previsão de receita para estados produtores - como Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo e São Paulo - ao impedir a aplicação imediata de uma fórmula mais igualitária de distribuição para contratos em vigor.

How Syrian Women Are Fueling the Resistance

How Syrian Women Are Fueling the Resistance: Washington would do well to invest in one of the more responsible, effective, and aid-worthy factions of the Syrian resistance: women’s organizations.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

CVM e MPF obtêm bloqueio de bens e participações de dona da Parmalat

A CVM informou que a medida acontece como "preparatória de ação civil pública de responsabilidade por danos causados aos investidores da emissora de BDRs e ao mercado de valores mobiliários como um todo", segundo comunicado.
Esses danos ao mercado teriam sido causados por "indícios de infrações" a normas do mercado de valores mobiliários e pela pretendida fusão entre a Laep e a Prosperity Overseas.

Tracing the shadows of 'Operation Condor'

Tracing the shadows of 'Operation Condor' - Inside Story Americas - Al Jazeera English

Saturday, 2 March 2013

China moves ahead with North Korea trade zone despite nuclear test


Iran steps up arrests, torture, executions: U.N.


Dutch court jails Rwandan woman for incitement to genocide

A Dutch court on Friday sentenced a Rwandan-born Dutch citizen to six years and eight months in jail for inciting genocide.
Judges said Yvonne Besabya, 66, had stoked hatred against her ethnic Tutsi neighbors before Rwanda's 1994 genocide in which 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.
They acquitted her of all other charges, including perpetrating genocide, murder and war crimes.

Al Qaeda issues English-language advice magazine for militants


U.N. Security Council sets stage for lifting Somalia arms embargo


Turkish captives to be released by Kurdish rebels: agency

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels are planning to release a group of captured Turkish officials within the next 10 days as part of a broader peace deal, the state-run Anatolia Agency reported on Saturday.

Portuguese march against austerity, want government out

Hundreds of thousands of Portuguese poured into the streets of Lisbon and other cities on Saturday to demand an end to austerity dictated by an international bailout and the resignation of the center-right government.

Friday, 1 March 2013

The Fight for Rapanui

 Can the Easter Island's indigenous Rapanui win the battle for independence from Chile to protect their land and culture?
The Fight for Rapanui - 101 East - Al Jazeera English