Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Crimes de pistolagem em conflitos agrários crescem 637

O número de crimes de pistolagem em conflitos agrários em Mato Grosso aumentou 637% em apenas um ano, segundo dados divulgados nesta quarta-feira (27) pela Comissão Pastoral da Terra de Mato Grosso. Segundo o levantamento da comissão, 1.423 casos foram registrados em 2015, contra 193 ocorrências em 2014.
Os dados também apontam crescimento de quase 59% nas ocorrências de conflitos agrários no mesmo período, sendo 62 casos registrados no ano passado, envolvendo mais de 30 mil famílias. Ao todo, conforme a pastoral, nos últimos 30 anos, 125 já foram assassinadas durante disputas por terras no estado.
Devido aos conflitos, pelo menos 320 famílias foram obrigadas a deixarem a terra onde viviam por causa de ameaças de fazendeiros que reivindicam a posse dos terrenos, enquanto outras 3,4 mil vivem sob risco constante, conforme a pastoral. Segundo o coordenador da CPT-MT, Cristiano Cabral, os conflitos mais graves registrados em Mato Grosso ocorrem no norte do estado e na região do Araguaia.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Comparing France and Germany domestic responses to terrorism

Last weeks terrorist attacks both in France and German soil underscores very different social responses.
French citizens and politicians seems more ready to face failure than germans, more ready to jump straight to the scene - no matter what.
Merkel and other major politicians, instead, during the Munich "siege" let the role to the local police, censured all information and lead to an exagerated reaction to a minor event if compared to France latest attacks, as Nice and Paris.
Germans histerical reaction  rather than placing human life first, may be considered a spontaneous social reaction, displaying essential features of german culture.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Turkey: Independent monitors must be allowed to access detainees amid torture allegations

The organization heard multiple reports of detainees being held in unofficial locations such as sports centres and a stable. Some detainees, including at least three judges, were held in the corridors of courthouses.
All of the interviewees wished to remain anonymous for security reasons. The organization heard extremely alarming accounts of torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, particularly at the Ankara Police Headquarters sports hall, Ankara Başkent sports hall and the riding club stables there.
According to these accounts, police held detainees in stress positions, denied them food, water and medical treatment, verbally abused and threatened them and subjected them to beatings and torture, including rape and sexual assault.
Two lawyers in Ankara working on behalf of detainees told Amnesty International that detainees said they witnessed senior military officers in detention being raped with a truncheon or finger by police officers.
A person on duty at the Ankara Police Headquarters sports hall saw a detainee with severe wounds consistent with having been beaten, including a large swelling on his head. The detainee could not stand up or focus his eyes and he eventually lost consciousness. While in some cases detainees were afforded limited medical assistance, police refused to allow this detainee essential medical treatment despite his severe injuries. The interviewee heard one police doctor on duty say: “Let him die. We will say he came to us dead.”
The same interviewee said 650-800 male soldiers were being held in the Ankara police headquarters sports hall. At least 300 of the detainees showed signs of having been beaten. Some detainees had visible bruises, cuts, or broken bones. Around 40 were so badly injured they could not walk. Two were unable to stand. One woman who was also detained in a separate facility there had bruising on her face and torso.
The interviewee also heard police officers make statements indicating that they were responsible for the beatings, and that detainees were being beaten so that “they would talk”.
In general, it appears that the worst treatment in detention was reserved for higher-ranking military officers.
Many of the detainees in the sports hall and other facilities were handcuffed behind their backs with plastic zip-ties and forced to kneel for hours. Interviewees reported that zip-ties were often fastened too tight and left wounds on the arms of detainees. In some cases detainees were also blindfolded throughout their detention.

ASEAN deadlocked on South China Sea, Cambodia blocks statement

VIENTIANE Southeast Asian nations failed to agree on maritime disputes in the South China Sea on Sunday after Cambodia blocked any mention to an international court ruling against Beijing in their statement, diplomats said.

Al Qaeda chief urges kidnappings of Westerners for prisoner swaps

A file photo of Al Qaeda's new leader, Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, is seen in this still image taken from a video released on September 12, 2011.  REUTERS/SITE Monitoring Service via Reuters TV Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has appeared in an audio interview calling on fighters to take Western hostages and exchange them for jailed jihadists, the monitoring service SITE Intelligence Group said on Sunday.
In recording posted online, Al-Zawahiri called on the global militant network to kidnap Westerners "until they liberate the last Muslim male prisoner and last Muslim female prisoner in the prisons of the Crusaders, apostates, and enemies of Islam," according to SITE.
Reuters could not verify the authenticity of the recording. Zawahiri is believed to be seeking refuge in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area that is the Taliban's base.

The failed coup in Turkey: Erdogan’s revenge

Turkey’s president is destroying the democracy that Turks risked their lives to defend

The failed putsch may well become the third shock to Europe’s post-1989 order. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014 destroyed the idea that Europe’s borders were fixed and that the cold war was over. The Brexit referendum last month shattered the notion of ineluctable integration in the European Union. Now the coup attempt in Turkey, and the reaction to it, raise troubling questions about the reversibility of democracy within the Western world—which Turkey, though on its fringe, once seemed destined to join.|image1

Friday, 15 July 2016

Finland and Sweden will join NATO leaders at the top table for the first time

They are likely to remain very close partners of NATO without becoming full members, something Carnegie Europe analyst Andrei Kolesnikov described as "smoking without inhaling". 
They take part in NATO military drills, including parts of those scripted around Article V which lays down the principle of collective security, but are not bound by it as non-members.
Sweden was involved in NATO's 2011 air campaign in Libya and both Nordic neighbors sent troops to the alliance's mission in Afghanistan. 

"They cannot be part of decision-making but they are definitely part of decision-shaping. The fact that the leaders will discuss Russia at the summit dinner, and that Sweden and Finland take part, sends a message," said a NATO official.

War on Terror Invisible Fault Lines

The way western societies are ready to accept invisibility of massive and single slaughter in the third world - both warzone and gun violence - are to be blamed.
Far from freedom fighters, jihadists in France seem to share this same frustration, they don't see families commemorating Bastille day as part of their reality. This "happy rich white people bubble" - according to many outsiders that fall in love for jihadist neoanarchism - are to be blamed for the sistematic killing of innocent people in muslim land.
And yes, western societies enable marginal people to watch also what is going on in Syria and Iraq.
This is a powerful combination - unconventional weapon and invisibility. It turns out also that those whio are in charge of operaring many of these unconventional arms oftern are also invisible!
If western societies choose the same pattern of their former America colonies, insisting to not look at marginal sectors suffering, jihadist neoanarchisms will shake their establishment again, and probably soon.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Começam hoje audiências do Brasil contra a Indonésia na OMC sobre exportações

A Indonésia é um mercado promissor, com 250 milhões de habitantes, e uma maioria de muçulmanos, com alta demanda pela carne halal (cujos animais devem ser abatidos seguindo certos preceitos religiosos). O Brasil é o principal exportador global da carne halal, com embarques de 1,8 milhão de toneladas do produto por ano, segundo a ABPA. Diversos países se inscreveram como terceiras partes interessadas no painel, como os Estados Unidos, Nova Zelândia, Canadá, Japão, União Europeia, Argentina e outros. "O Brasil tem todo o potencial para se consolidar como um parceiro do auxílio à segurança alimentar da população indonésia. Infelizmente, não conseguimos avanços e as autoridades do país insistem em manter barreiras injustificadas", afirmou o presidente da ABPA, Francisco Turra.

France under attack?

The bastille attacks unveils many failures -
France lack of security to safeguard public demonstrations.
The west may ignore Muslim suffering, but Islamic Jihad will continue to remind Europe how close they are from these ongoing bloody wars.
The war in terror transformed the world into a less safer place.
Digital revolution enables Jihadist anarchism to act without state's involvement, different from "active terrorism support".

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Are We on the Path to National Ruin?
San Antonio — I never really understood how fascism could have come to Europe, but I think I understand better now. You start with some fundamental historical transformation, like the Great Depression or the shift to an information economy. A certain number of people are dispossessed. They lose identity, self-respect and hope.
They begin to base their sense of self-worth on their tribe, not their behavior. They become mired in their resentments, spiraling deeper into the addiction of their own victimology. They fall for politicians who lie about the source of their problems and about how they can surmount them. Facts lose their meaning. Entertainment replaces reality."
Normally, nations pull together after tragedy, but a society plagued by dislocation and slipped off the rails of reality can go the other way. Rallies become gripped by an exaltation of tribal fervor. Before you know it, political life has spun out of control, dragging the country itself into a place both bizarre and unrecognizable.
This happened in Europe in the 1930s. We’re not close to that kind of descent in America today, but we’re closer than we’ve been. Let’s be honest: The crack of some abyss opened up for a moment by the end of last week.
Blood was in the streets last week — victims of police violence in two cities and slain cops in another. America’s leadership crisis looked dire. The F.B.I. director’s statements reminded us that Hillary Clinton is willing to blatantly lie to preserve her career. Donald Trump, of course, lies continually and without compunction. It’s very easy to see this country on a nightmare trajectory.

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