Saturday, 25 April 2015

Report: Israel strikes Syrian military bases, Hezbollah targets near Syria-Lebanon border - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News | Haaretz

According to the report, the airstrikes targeted the bases of the 155th and 65th strategic missile brigades, stationed in Qalamoun, near the Syria-Lebanon border. Residents of nearby cities Yabroud and Qarah reported hearing explosions.
Former Syrian opposition leader Hadi al-Bahra tweeted that there were reports of attacks on the 92nd battalion, in addition to the attacks on the 155th and 65th brigades. Al-Bahra also tweeted that the 155th brigade is responsible for launching Scud and Scud-B missiles

Report: Israel strikes Syrian military bases, Hezbollah targets near Syria-Lebanon border - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News | Haaretz

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Quand la Banque mondiale trahit les pauvres

Quand la Banque mondiale trahit les pauvres
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Yémen : l'Arabie saoudite annonce la fin de l'opération « Tempête décisive

L'intervention de la coalition arabe dirigée par l'Arabie saoudite contre les rebelles houthistes au Yémen entre dans une nouvelle phase. Le général Ahmed Al-Assiri, porte-parole de la coalition, a annoncé, mardi 21 avril, la « fin de l'opération “Tempête décisive” à la demande du gouvernement et du président yéménites ». Selon la télévision officielle saoudienne, le pays et ses alliés sunnites estiment avoir atteint leurs objectifs militaires et éliminé avec succès les menaces pesant sur l'Arabie saoudite et ses voisins grâce à leur intervention.
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Thursday, 16 April 2015

Génocide : la douloureuse question de la définition Le | 15.04.2015

Génocide : la douloureuse question de la définition

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Les responsables d'attaques au chlore en Syrie

« Jusqu'à présent, le gouvernement syrien n'a payé aucun prix pour avoir commis un crime de guerre avec des armes chimiques interdites », a affirmé le directeur de HRW pour l'ONU Philippe Bolopion. Le Conseil a adopté le 6 mars 2015 une résolution condamnant l'utilisation du chlore comme arme chimique dans le conflit, sans toutefois désigner les coupables.
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Le FMI et les pays émergents

Les pays émergents réunis au sein du G24 ont dénoncé jeudi 16 avril en termes très directs l'inaction des Etats-Unis sur la réforme du FMI. Adoptée en 2010, elle est et censée doubler les ressources du Fonds et donner plus de poids aux émergents.
« Nous réitérons notre profonde déception face au manque de progrès dans l'application de la réforme des quotas et de la gouvernance du FMI, adoptée en 2010 et pressons instamment les Etats-Unis de la ratifier », souligne le communiqué du G-24 publié lors des assemblées semi-annuelles du Fonds monétaire international et de la Banque mondiale à Washington. Ce processus de ratification est actuellement bloqué au Congrès américain.

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Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Colombia to resume bombing rebels after deadly ambush

(Reuters) - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos ordered the resumption of bombing raids against FARC guerrillas on Wednesday after a rebel attack killed 10 soldiers, heating up a war that had seen a tentative cessation of hostilities.

As part of peace talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Santos last month stopped air raids on rebel hideouts in recognition of a unilateral ceasefire declared in December by the insurgent group.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Brasil se torna sócio de banco Asiático

O AIIB começa com um capital cinco vezes maior do que o banco do Brics (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul), cuja criação foi assinada em julho do ano passado durante a Cúpula de Fortaleza.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Syrian Islamists exchange 25 prisoners for commander - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

Islamist militants and fighters loyal to the Syrian government have made a rare prisoner swap, with insurgents releasing 25 women and children in exchange for one of their commanders, a monitoring group said on Monday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 10 children and 15 women were kidnapped by insurgents more than a year ago from Shi'ite towns in northern Aleppo province.
The deal was between the militant Islamist Jaish al-Mujahideen and pro-government militia, it said, and mediated by Kurdish fighters known as Popular Protection Units (YPG).

Middle East Updates / Syrian Islamists exchange 25 prisoners for commander - Middle East Updates - Israel News | Haaretz

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Tunisia restores diplomatic relations with Syria - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

The decision has been criticized within Syria, especially by families of Tunisians who disappeared in Syria after the breakdown of consular relations hindered their repatriation. 

Tunisia restores diplomatic relations with Syria - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

More than 25,000 recruits joined jihadi groups like ISIS since 2014 - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

In addition to Syria and Iraq, the report said Afghan security forces estimated in March that about 6,500 foreign fighters were active in the country. And it said hundreds of foreigners are fighting in Yemen, Libya and Pakistan, around 100 in Somalia, and others in the Sahel countries in northern Africa, and in the Philippines.
The number of countries the fighters come from has also risen dramatically from a small group in the 1990s to over 100 today — more than half the countries in the world — including some that have never had previous links with Al-Qaida associated groups, the panel said.

More than 25,000 recruits joined jihadi groups like ISIS since 2014 - Middle East - Israel News | Haaretz

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The path to equality for Israel's Sephardic Jews starts at becoming proud Arabs - Israel News | Haaretz

The flight from Arabism, even the wearing of Eastern European shtetl clothing (as one sees in Shas) will not lead Mizrahim, meaning Arabs of the Jewish faith, anywhere. Netanyahu and the white right wing in general will continue to fan hatred towards Arabs. This hate will ensure the continued flight of Arab Jews from their Arabness and the right’s continued manipulation of Jews who are estranged from it.
As a result, it is only when the descendants of Jewish Arabs proudly and confidently proclaim to the refined, arrogant European Israelis that they are Arab, and proud of it, that perhaps there will be an end to their tribulations. This could also constitute a first step on the road to a historic reconciliation with the Palestinians.

The path to equality for Israel's Sephardic Jews starts at becoming proud Arabs - Israel News | Haaretz