Thursday, 31 May 2012

Investidor estrangeiro no Brasil

 O modelo de agencias, importado do direito administrativo norte-americano, ainda vai surpreender Soros.


 changing names won't change reality
Obama´s enlightened rethoric turns into hyprocrisy if its to be measured by counterterrorism use of force. there´s no change from Bush doctrine on this matter, on the contrary, US drone attacks became more frequent and more deadly, but it sound better when said by a manipulator of crowds 

A Measure of Change

Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will, 

By and

Hamat Tiberias National Park threatened by haredim

What extremists make in the name of religion and for religion, unbelievable... this is especialy sad as its the family area, jews as my great-grandfather, Moshe Hitin, a rabbi, worshiped this land, prayed and kept it for centuries.. one of few sites where there were jews before the creation of the State of Israel.. how they dare?

Vandals desecrate ancient Tiberias synagogue; authorities suspect Haredim

Similar acts have been carried out at other archaeological sites; one slogan sprayed Monday night read 'A site for every grave desecrated.'

By Eli Ashkenazi | May.30, 2012 | 2:40 AM | 10

Turkey's new leadership

After years of western bullying, Turkey bets on third world leadership: from EU backyard to peripheral leadearship... it took years to listen to  Huntignton, but may be too little, too late and too much hypocrisy

Turkey hosts meeting on Somalia
Istanbul gathering comes as Turkish government becomes one of the key backers of transitional government in Mogadishu.
Last Modified: 31 May 2012 11:16

War on terror and the Yemen model

 Hard to buy the claim that Yemen transition may be a model for syrian transition, it became the next war on terror target within horn of Africa area

Al-Qaeda fighters clash with Yemeni troops
At least seven deaths reported in fighting in town southeast of Sanaa, as army offensive continues further south.
Last Modified: 31 May 2012 10:57

it's easy to accuse Israel with illegal immigrants when Europe deports even brazilian tourists

Maybe its missing the word "illegal"? the fact that Israel lacks a proper law for refugees, doesn't mean that it has to accept anyone within its bothers. why refugees doesn't want to stay in Egypt? Why they go to Israel? Probably they expect a better treatment, especially from a State torned by wars, when the jewish people has been persecuted, exterminated. 

Israel has to face it at least the same way other western states do, if it wants to be less criticized, it doesnt mean accepting all illegal immigrants and refugees but regulating the matter within a clear framework based upon western standards - not that enlightned. 

Should Israel be responsible for immigrants?
We discuss why Israel is denying African immigrants their basic rights, as revealed in an annual US human rights report.
Last Modified: 29 May 2012 12:39

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Tibet's occupation and China's zero tolerance policy

Self-immolation is not tantamount to terrorist acts, its shocking how far the chinese regime goes in order to silence those who oppose the occupation of Tibet, even if its not harming anyone else other then the victim. In a time when self-immolation prompted protests in Tunisia, starting all the Arab spring transition process, China is unwilling to tolerate any sort of resistence, even pacific ones, with tragic  consequences for human beings, something at odds with chinese self-determination.

why not call it "holocaust area"?

  call it polish sounds more like ignorance, but its a fact that it was build inside polish territory.. probably they regreted that after the war auschwitz didnot turn into a parking lot  



by the way few places where jews were slaughtered remain intact - but all eastern europe and russia are historical sites of genocide of european Jewish heritage, including forests, collective graves, mobile gas cars... all this is so far from palestinian reality. from war crimes to genocide there is a huge difference.

No país que não tem pena de morte, assassinatos extrajudiciais são instituidos por agentes do próprio Estado, agindo em favor de interesses particulares

Parte dos efeitos colaterais da mensagem de impunidade para os crimes da ditadura:
alguns sempre estiveram acima da lei e essa situação é mantida em alguns setores, incluindo setores dentro da polícia militar

Dylan's music - poetry, resistence, criticism, a voice for our age

Don´t know why took so long to give him the medal, he is a living icon, his songs are not restricted to music world, Dylan reflects something that goes beyond american music. anyway, it is also music and its nice to see him next to the establishment

"There is not a bigger giant in the history of American music. All these years later, he's still chasing that sound, still searching for a little bit of truth," said Obama.

Even unilateral withdrawal won´t end occupation, Israel may desmantle the settlements but cannot trust palestinans that they wont bring heavy weapon to the border

there is no justification for settlements in occupied territories, but the security threat won´t vanish, Gaza became the biggest jail in the world, even without settlers..
and they insist in attacking Israel with primitive weapon that harm more themselves than the israelis

its not realy about costs and gains but about leading, its the price for playing the role of a superpower

Hard to believe that Euro may survive, at least in Greece

another failed state?

The question is whether China and Russia may react in a constructive way but seeems more like heading for another polarization

STF vs Poder Executivo - a fenomenologia da politica brasileira